Nov 22, 2012

Raining Season Has Arrived and Flood are Imminent

Good evening everyone, hey this is will be the update post for WayCurious blog (I think its been a while), pardon me. Well it is obvious that the time now is November and raining season is happening on Indonesia. While I'm typing this, rain is coming down in my place.

"Yo ho ho, I'm on a boat!"

It is a joy for one who waited for it but lots of people in somewhere are suffering from the overwhelming waters. Yeah, flood has been a really strong issue lately and our government is usually aware of flood happened in their area. Beside that, the government has reminded us of the upcoming flood so they asked their citizen to anticipated the disaster. Don't litter anywhere, throw trashes into its can. But there is a people still litters.

Lets aside from hygiene matter, the place itself has become crowded. Today my city has come with more people and crowded with houses. Can't you imagine that if the housing is almost emptied the spaces and realized the water flows is little. Wow, its the flood..lets swim! (oh my!). Yeah the water respiration is ready but no one could predict the upcoming flood. Even the precisest prediction. I'm a bit aware if one time heavy rains occurs and the water is so much and it can't go more within the respiration. Flood, it is. Can't be helped anymore.